Thursday, June 16, 2011

IS Night 2011 (12.6.2011)

Its a day where everyone was excited to wear dresses,
tied up the hair or curl their hair,
boys will wear suit, formal shoes and gel up their hair.
and get ready for the dinner and take lotsa picture.
Around 2pm the cotton stuck in my ear while I was cleaning it.
So I wake my mom so she could take me to the clinic to take out the cotton.
So basically we went to 2 clinic and QEH.
Well the 1st two clinic doctor say the cotton is too 'dalam'
So i end up at QEH.
However, when the doctor check again.
She said there is nothing beside 'poop' in my ear.
Then the doctor just clean my ear.
That time it was already around 6pm.
But I manage to get ready after Gary and Bibian reach my house.
I did not do any special appearance such as curl or make up.
I'm rushing and ask Bibian to help me lagi. Adui!
So my hair was straight and only manage to put eye liner when we arrived Tanjung Aru.
Its a mess, but ended up okay lah :)
Fret not just enjoy the picture below. :)
BTW the food is awesome :)

Group photo with Ms Eve

The Girls

With Rula

With Beatrice and Tracy




Ms Cecilia and Ms Barbara

Ms Melissa, Law lecturer


Ms Eve

Group photo with Ms Jossy

Grace :) My Kindergarden mates
Its been ages since we've saw each other
But on the 1st year of Pre-U we meet up again
Fortunately we both remember each other :)


with all the year 3 diploma


Ng shu qi


Tan Shin Yii


Last but not least Jonathan.
He is the most friendly guy that I've met
He's awesome and sporting too.
All of them was awesome too.
Its so good to know them although we are not that close.
It was an awesome night with them.
Taking pictures and we leave a good memories together. :)

Hope they do well in their future.
God Bless :)

Graduation Day (11.6.2011)

Wake up early.
Get ready to wear formal outfit.
Then fetch Bibian and we went to STTSS together.
When we arrived most of the graduate student were sit
according to their name list.
Since I'm getting an award, so I won't get to rehearsal anything.
Went to eat breakfast at the canteen. 
The food was awesome and delicious.
Its cheap too. 
Anyway, when all of us arrive and wanted to find our sit
the SC did not prepare any sit for MYOB students.
Because they say they "OVERLOOK" the list.
We have 13 student there and our name list was so long and big
How they can forget our sit.
Such an irresponsible duty.
But we manage to get our sit before the ceremony start.
When the time reach our turn to take the cert
Imma getting nervous.
It ended up fine. :)

She is my old best friend from primary to Pre-U
And Imma gonna miss Wong badly.
bought her a chocolate.
She like it too :)
 I hope she will do well in her future.
God Bless everyone! :)